Steps To Put Out A Laser Cutter Fire
Always follow these steps, in order, when attempting to put out a fire in a laser cutter.
Lift the Lid
This will turn off the cutting laser and stop adding heat to the flame.
When the flame is out, adjust your cut settings, then continue or restart the job.
Blow Out the Flame
If the operator feels safe, attempt to blow out the flame.
When the fire is out, check with Shop Staff.
Power Down
Close the blast gate to stop air circulation within the machine.
Shut off the ventilation if no other lasers are in use.
Press the E-Stop – this will turn off the laser and disengage the gantry motors.
Move the gantry out of the way to protect the machine optics.
When fire is out, see Shop Staff and do not resume work until cleared by a Staff member
Cover with a Damp Towel
Use the spray bottle of water to soak a shop towel kept near the laser cutter.
Place the damp towel on the flames.
When fire is out, see Shop Staff and do not resume work until cleared by a Staff member.
Use the Fire Extinguisher
Close the lid.
Confirm that the ventilation blast gate is closed.
Get a fire extinguisher from the wall by the nearest exit door.
Push the Emergency Alert Button, or have somebody else push it.
Keep the lid closed, and discharge the extinguisher into the front grill.
The entire extinguisher does not have to be discharged all at once. Aim, shoot, and evaluate.
When fire is out, see Shop Staff and do not resume work until cleared by a Staff member.
Pull the Fire Alarm
Evacuate the room and the building.
Get yourself and any coworkers to the safety master location.
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