The Job Manager

Using the Epilog Job Manager

Using the Epilog Job Manager

  • The first time you open the Job Manager you’ll see a tab for each of the machine models. Begin by selecting the correct model, naming your machine, setting the IP Address, and selecting the correct CO2 and fiber laser wattage (if you have a dual-source machine) then click Save.

  • Your new laser has been activated in the Job Manager and now appears in the left panel. It is now ready to accept jobs from the print driver. Use the Add or Delete buttons to add or remove additional machines.

Printing to the Epilog Job Manager

  • Create a file in your graphic software and select Print.

  • When the print dialog opens up, make sure you select Epilog Engraver as your printer and set the Page to Match Orientation and Size.

  • Once your desired settings are selected, click Print again.

  • The file will open in the Epilog Dashboard first. To send it to the Job Manager, click the “Send to JM” button.

  • The Job Manager window will open and the Dashboard window will close.

Organizing Your Print Jobs

  • Remember that job you ran three months ago for T-Maze or Pinball Game? No?

  • With this Job Manager you can pull up the job and the settings you used to get the perfect engraving!

Send Jobs Directly from the Job Manager

  • Send jobs again by pulling up any job, adjusting the settings directly from the Job Manager software, and printing.

  • You can also still send the jobs directly from your favorite design software.

Organize Your Print Jobs in Folders

  • Setup custom folders for your most common customers to easily access their jobs.

  • Create subfolders by month, year, or any other category that is most helpful to you.

Import Your Material Settings

  • Material settings based on your wattage of laser will be automatically loaded into the system so you can import them into any laser job.

  • You can also setup your own custom settings based on the specific materials you use most often.

Preview Your Jobs

  • Zoom in and preview every pixel of every job.

  • Double click the preview window to review and edit laser parameters and print from the preview screen.

Find Your Job History

Look back at every time that a job has been sent to a laser.

  • You can also see the different settings you used for each engraving.

  • This is especially helpful when trying to find the perfect setting you used for a previous job.

Search for your Jobs

  • Type in part of a file name and press enter to find all files related to that name.

  • You can organize files by category, creation date, print date, or alphabetically to find a specific file.

Keep Your Projects Organized

  • We’ve even made it easy for you to keep your files organized.

  • Any uncategorized files that you don’t want to keep in the database can be cleared from the database memory at the touch of a button!

Last updated