Do's and Dont's

Do's Dont's

Ensure that your safety glasses are firmly in place every time you are closely observing the cutting tools.

Exceed the maximum operating pressure.

Ensure that you wear suitable footwear such as safety boots at all times.

touch the surface of the vacuum pump as it will become hot during operation resulting in burns.

Always ensure that you wear proper ear protection and a good pair of safety glasses when operating a CNC machine.

You should never wear jewelry or any loose clothing.

If you have long hair, ensure that you keep it covered when you operate the CNC machine.

You should never try to reach into the machine while it’s running

Keep your hands away from any moving parts during machining processes

You should never put your hands anywhere near the spindle when it’s revolving.

Whenever you are handling or passing tools, avoid touching the cutting edges.

Never leave the machine when it’s not completely powered down.

Ensure that you turn the machine off completely and clean it whenever you have finished using it.

Block the exhaust manifold.


coming soon..

Last updated